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Independent Review of a Coupled Regional Ocean Monitoring System (ROMS) and Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling (BEC) Model

Click to download the final NWRI Independent Peer Review Panel Report:

​Introduction. The State of California, the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), and a team of acclaimed ocean scientists are developing a new modeling tool integrating two recognized oceanic operation models to help understand why ocean acidification and hypoxia is increasing in the Pacific Ocean off Southern California. The use of such a “Coupled Model” would result in wide-ranging public health, environmental, regulatory, and fiscal implications. Therefore, SCCWRP’s governing Commission, acting on a recommendation from its Technical Advisory Group or CTAG, solicited a proposal from NWRI to administer and facilitate an independent peer review of the Coupled Model.


Goals of Independent Review

(1) Assess the Coupled Model readiness to answer management questions; (2) advise on the Coupled Model’s uncertainty associated with addressing management questions; and (3) recommend next steps for improving the Coupled Model’s readiness.


The result of meetings between SCCWRP's Project Team and the NWRI Independent Peer Review Panel is a report, which will be posted when it is finalized.


Meeting Dates

  1. Intro Slides for Day 1​

  2. Technical Session 1 Sutula

  3. Technical Session 2 Frieder

  4. Intro Slides for Day 2

  5. Technical Session 3 Kessouri

  6. Technical Session 4 Leising

  7. Technical Session 4 Jenkins

  8. Modeling Team Response Slides

  9. SCCWRP Modeling Team Response Letter


Contact: Tianna Manzon, NWRI Research Project Coordinator at for more information.


The independent peer review will assess a coupled model that is designed to understand increasing ocean acidification and hypoxia in a stretch of the Pacific Ocean off of Southern California from Point Conception, California, south to Punta Colonet, Mexico.


Peer review panelists include the following scientists and subject-matter experts:

  • W. Gordon Zhang, PhD, (Panel Chair), Associate Scientist with Tenure, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts

  • Neil Banas, PhD, Reader in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

  • Fei Chai, PhD, Chair and Professor in Marine Science at Xiamen University, Fujian, China, and Professor Emeritus at University of Maine

  • Marjorie Friedrichs, PhD, Research Professor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at William & Mary

  • Alexander Kurapov, PhD, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

  • Mike Stukel, PhD, Associate Professor of Oceanography at Florida State University


Stakeholders. At CTAG’s request, NWRI formed a Project Steering Committee that includes the following project stakeholders and science advisors:

  • Lorien Fono, Executive Director, Bay Area Clean Water Agencies

  • David Gibson, Executive Director, Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region

  • Justine Kimball, Senior Climate Change Program Manager, California Ocean Protection Council

  • Karen Mogus, Deputy Director, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality

  • Steve Wagner, General Manager, Goleta Sanitary District

  • Lan Wiborg, Director of Environmental Services, OC San

  • Sean Bothwell, Executive Director, California Coastkeeper Alliance

  • Kristin Davis, PhD, Associate Professor, Stanford University

  • Steve Weisberg, Executive Director, SCCWRP

Links to download additional information about this project:

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