Independent Review of a Coupled Regional Ocean Monitoring System (ROMS) and Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling (BEC) Model
Click to download the final NWRI Independent Peer Review Panel Report:
​Introduction. The State of California, the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), and a team of acclaimed ocean scientists are developing a new modeling tool integrating two recognized oceanic operation models to help understand why ocean acidification and hypoxia is increasing in the Pacific Ocean off Southern California. The use of such a “Coupled Model” would result in wide-ranging public health, environmental, regulatory, and fiscal implications. Therefore, SCCWRP’s governing Commission, acting on a recommendation from its Technical Advisory Group or CTAG, solicited a proposal from NWRI to administer and facilitate an independent peer review of the Coupled Model.
Goals of Independent Review
(1) Assess the Coupled Model readiness to answer management questions; (2) advise on the Coupled Model’s uncertainty associated with addressing management questions; and (3) recommend next steps for improving the Coupled Model’s readiness.
The result of meetings between SCCWRP's Project Team and the NWRI Independent Peer Review Panel is a report, which will be posted when it is finalized.
Meeting Dates
Webinar 1 – December 12, 2023, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time (Click to view video of the meeting)
Webinar 2 – January 9, 2024 (Click to view video of the meeting)
Webinar 3 – May 15, 2024 (Click to view video of the meeting)
Panel Meeting 1 – January 17-18, 2024 (Agenda is here) at the Atrium Hotel in Irvine, California. (Address: 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612; Phone: 949-833-2770)
Click to download powerpoint presentations for both days:
Contact: Tianna Manzon, NWRI Research Project Coordinator at for more information.
The independent peer review will assess a coupled model that is designed to understand increasing ocean acidification and hypoxia in a stretch of the Pacific Ocean off of Southern California from Point Conception, California, south to Punta Colonet, Mexico.
Peer review panelists include the following scientists and subject-matter experts:
W. Gordon Zhang, PhD, (Panel Chair), Associate Scientist with Tenure, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts
Neil Banas, PhD, Reader in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Fei Chai, PhD, Chair and Professor in Marine Science at Xiamen University, Fujian, China, and Professor Emeritus at University of Maine
Marjorie Friedrichs, PhD, Research Professor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at William & Mary
Alexander Kurapov, PhD, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Mike Stukel, PhD, Associate Professor of Oceanography at Florida State University
Stakeholders. At CTAG’s request, NWRI formed a Project Steering Committee that includes the following project stakeholders and science advisors:
Lorien Fono, Executive Director, Bay Area Clean Water Agencies
David Gibson, Executive Director, Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region
Justine Kimball, Senior Climate Change Program Manager, California Ocean Protection Council
Karen Mogus, Deputy Director, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality
Steve Wagner, General Manager, Goleta Sanitary District
Lan Wiborg, Director of Environmental Services, OC San
Sean Bothwell, Executive Director, California Coastkeeper Alliance
Kristin Davis, PhD, Associate Professor, Stanford University
Steve Weisberg, Executive Director, SCCWRP
Links to download additional information about this project:
IPR Review Process Outline. Project meetings overview.
Kessouri et al., PNAS 2021. Coastal eutrophication drives acidification, oxygen loss, and ecosystem change in a major oceanic upwelling system
Frieder et al., in press. Effects of urban eutrophication on pelagic habitat capacity in the Southern California Bight
Kessouri et al., in press. Cross-shore transport and eddies promote large scale response to urban eutrophication
Analysis of Limitations of SCCWRP Variant ROMS-BEC Model Source Code, report by Michael Baker International.
Concept Proposals to Improve Management Confidence in the ROMS-BEC, by a SCCWRP technical advisory group.
Journal Article Links. More information about the model setup and performance assessment.
Cross-shore transport and eddies promote large scale response to urban eutrophication.