Michael Anderson, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Applied Limnology and Environmental Chemistry at the University of California, Riverside. Anderson taught courses and conducted research from 1990–2020. He also served as Divisional Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (2015–2018) and as Chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences (2010–2014). 
His research includes environmental chemistry, applied limnology, surface water quality modeling, and fate of contaminants in water, soil, and sediment. He has served on numerous panels and workgroups, including as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee evaluating New York City’s Watershed Protection Program (2018–2020), Salton Sea Science Advisory Committee (2016–2018), State Water Resources Control Board’s Expert Panel on Potable Reuse (2014–2016), and as Associate Editor of Lake and Reservoir Management (2004–2017).
Anderson has a BS in Biology from Illinois Benedictine College, an MS in Environmental Studies from Bemidji State University, and a PhD in Environmental Chemistry from Virginia Tech.