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Larry Honeybourne, REHS, is the retired Assistant Director for the County of Orange Health Care Agency’s Environmental Health Division, where he managed a variety of public health regulatory programs. These programs included Water Quality, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, Industrial Cleanups, Hazardous Waste and Materials, Solid Waste and Food and Pool Safety programs.


These programs provided oversight of groundwater, soil and vapor cleanups from leaking underground fuel storage tanks and contaminated industrial sites; operation of all active and closed landfills; all retail and wholesale food facilities, public swimming pools, ocean water quality used for recreation, small drinking water systems, recycled water use, and well constructions and destructions.


Honeybourne has served on numerous state and local technical advisory committees, enjoying the diversity and challenges of various programs designed to protect public health. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from California State University, Fullerton, and is a State of California Department of Public Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist.

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