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Joan Rose, PhD, is the Homer Nowlin Endowed Chair for Water Research at Michigan State University. Rose has made groundbreaking advances in understanding water quality and protecting public health for more than 20 years.  She is regarded as the world’s authority on Cryptosporidium and was the first person to present a method for detecting this pathogen in water supplies. She examines full-scale water treatment systems for the removal of pathogens.  


Rose was Chair of the Science Advisory Board for the EPA’s Drinking Water Committee and serves on the Science Advisory Board for the Great Lakes. Rose is  Director of the  Global Water Pathogens Project and is  involved with the Quantitative  Microbial Risk Assessment  Institute. 


Rose has a BS in Microbiology from the University of Arizona, an MS in Microbiology from the University of Wyoming, and a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Arizona.  

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