Jason Dadakis, PG, CHG is the Executive Director of Water Quality & Technical Resources for the Orange County Water District (OCWD) in Fountain Valley, California. He is responsible for managing OCWD’s permitting, regulatory compliance, monitoring, and applied research activities in support of the District’s water quality programs, water recycling projects, and overall groundwater management objectives.
Jason led successful the efforts to obtain state regulatory approvals for both the Initial and Final Expansion projects of OCWD’s Groundwater Replenishment System, the largest planned potable reuse project in the world. He has managed and participated in studies of recycled water recharge/injection geochemistry, subsurface retention time, soil-aquifer treatment, sea water intrusion, fate and transport of contaminants of emerging concern, artificial tracer studies, groundwater flow and transport modeling, and advanced water treatment technologies. Jason has also helped lead the District’s coordinated response to PFAS occurrence in local groundwater supplies with impacted public water systems.
Jason is a Professional Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist in California. He earned both an A.B. in Earth Sciences from Dartmouth College and an M.S. in Hydrology from the University of Arizona.