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NWRI Fellowship Program 2024-25

National Water Research Institute (NWRI) awards funding to support graduate student research related to water science and technology, water resources management, and water policy and regulation. NWRI Fellowship applications opened on February 7, 2024, and all applications are due by midnight, April 10, 2024.


To be eligible, students must be enrolled full-time in an accredited graduate program in the United States. Funds are provided by the NWRI Fellowship Funding Partners and NWRI Member Agencies. Funded research must support NWRI’s mission to advance water resources science, policy, and innovation. Research areas include drinking water treatment process engineering, design, and planning; physical, chemical, biological, or health sciences; environmental and natural resources sciences; political sciences and public policy; water resources economics; and regulatory issues.


NWRI joins the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) and Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC) to award fellowships of $5,000 and 10,000. The following fellowships are offered in 2024:


NWRI Member Agency Graduate Fellowship: $5,000

Research must be related to developing and/or enhancing drinking water supplies and water resources in general. Research topics may include new treatment technologies, improvements to existing treatment and management technologies, sustainability including treatment energy efficiency, water policy and regulation, and natural resource economics.


NWRI-AMTA Graduate Fellowships for Membrane Technology: $10,000

Research must be related to the advancement of membrane technology in the water, wastewater, or water reuse industries, and must be consistent with AMTA’s mission to solve water supply and quality issues using membrane technology. Research topics may include membrane bioreactors, fouling and scaling control, efficiency (removal and recovery energy use), pretreatment processes, and membrane materials. AMTA fellowship recipients are required to attend the annual AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference.


NWRI-Southern California Salinity Coalition Graduate Fellowship: $10,000

The student must be enrolled at an accredited college or university in Southern California. Research must address the critical need to remove or reduce salts from water supplies and to preserve water resources in Southern California. Research topics may include concentrate management, institutional and regulatory/policy issues, economic analysis, and innovative treatment technologies.


Note: NWRI fellowship recipients will be invited to attend NWRI’s Annual Clarke Prize Award Ceremony in October 2024 in Irvine, California. NWRI fellows will give a poster presentation of their research project.


The NWRI fellowship program awards funds to graduate students who are conducting water research in the United States. The deadline to submit applications for 2024 fellowships is April 10, 2024.


NWRI Fellowship Funding Partners

American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA)

The mission of AMTA is to promote and advance the application of membrane technology to create safe, affordable, and reliable water supplies, and to treat municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater for beneficial reuse. Click here to learn more about AMTA.


Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC)

SCSC is a coalition of water and wastewater agencies in Southern California dedicated to managing salinity in our water supplies. They support research to address the critical need to remove salt from water supplies and preserve water resources. Click here to learn more.


For more information, please reach out to the fellowship coordinator.


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National Water Research Institute

18700 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA  92708 • email us

We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization that works to ensure safe, reliable sources of water now and for future generations. 

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