Fei Chai, PhD, is a Chair Professor in Marine Science at Xiamen University. He was with the University of Maine from 1994 until he retired as Professor Emeritus in 2021.
Dr. Chai studies physical and biological processes that contribute to the global carbon cycle, ocean acidification, and open ocean and coastal hypoxia. Climate variability affecting marine ecosystems and fisheries, and ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) are also areas of research.
He is an expert in developing and testing physical-biological models and using models with observations from multiple platforms including BGC-Argo and satellite remote sensing to address key regional and global issues related to ocean iron fertilization and other ocean-based CDR methods.
Chai has worked on over 40 interdisciplinary research projects in the United States and China and has published over 200 journal papers. He serves on numerous international scientific organizations that promote interdisciplinary research and international collaboration.
Chai received a BS and MS from Shandong College of Oceanography, an MA from Princeton University, and a PhD from Duke University.