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Eva Steinle-Darling, PhD, is Carollo Engineers’ Water Reuse Technical Practice Director. Her work with Carollo focuses on all aspects of water reuse, including research, planning, feasibility studies, and design. She works on several of Carollo’s Water Research Foundation potable reuse projects in the United States. Previously the President of WateReuse Texas and a member of the Legislative and Regulatory Committee of WateReuse, Dr. Steinle-Darling is helping shape the future of water reuse.  

Steinle-Darling has led applied research in many aspects of advanced treatment and potable reuse, including risk assessment and development of frameworks for failure response, control of chemicals and pathogens, real-time collection system monitoring for enhanced source control, and decision support guidance for utilities faced with challenges related to PFAS.  


Steinle-Darling received her BSE in chemical engineering from Princeton University and her MS and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. 

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